Big Brother Has Wheels
April Michelle Davis and her young adult book A Princess in Disguise were featured among the speakers and authors participating in the Festival of the Written Word held at the Chesterfield County Public Library on November 4, 2017. April Michelle and Greg Smith, a colleague and the founder of Agile Writers, sat on the Panel discussion “What You Need […]
April Michelle Davis was invited back to speak at the annual Be a Better Freelancer Conference in Rochester, New York, on September 15, 2017. April Michelle talked on The Magic of Macros, which is how macros can enhance the work processes, and she was one of three experts on a panel discussing the necessity of […]
Business owners need a reliable program to keep all of their business information in one place. When I began freelancing, I used Microsoft Excel. But to track my projects and payments, I quickly found the program had limitations when I missed receiving a payment in August but hadn’t noticed it until I was doing my […]
April Michelle Davis taught her course Marketing for Editors 101, beginning August 14, 2017, and ran for five weeks through the PEN Institute. Each Monday April Michelle covered pertinent topics to current marketing trends such as a developing and limiting social network connections to creating and using your brand, setting business goals and obtaining them […]
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