Where the Caribou Still Roam

March 5th, 2020 in Featured Titles by April Michelle Davis 0

Where the Caribou Still Roam – Substantive and Copy Editing

Where the Caribou Still Roam chronicles Mueller’s travels in the distant corners of North America. More than an adventure travelogue, Caribou is a weave of personal memoir, environmental, and cultural commentary, and a coming of (middle) age story, all them told with warm wit and wisdom from the aft end of a red canoe while paddling the waters and trekking through the wilds of northern Canada, including Nunavut, Canada’s newest and most northern territory.

Mueller shares his concerns about the struggle of our planet and humankind to coexist. He pays tribute to North America’s last free-flowing rivers, laments the ruin of others, and takes the reader on a quest to learn about the peoples of the Far North, including the Inuit, a people formerly known as the Eskimos. Mueller tells how these northern hunters, whose Siberian ancestors crossed the Bering Strait thousands of years ago, have persevered amid changes of staggering magnitude. Few have experienced the phenomenon of culture shock more recently or profoundly than the Canadian Inuit.

Where the Caribou Still Roam is a story about the author’s home continent of North America, but it is also a story about the inseparable searches for both individual and cultural identity, searches that never end but link us all in shared humanity. In the end, we are asked to consider the question of not just “Who am I?” but “Who are we?”

April Michelle Davis completed a substantive edit followed by a copy edit on this manuscript, preparing it for publication. A substantive edit examines the entire manuscript, searching for consistency or for ways to sharpen setting, imagery, symbolism, foreshadowing, characterization, and plot, whereas a copy edit reviews at the clause level, checking thematic organization at paragraph and sentence levels and checking for consistencies, errors, and omissions. Included is basic spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and word usage. Many publishers request these types of edits and a benefit is that the manuscripts with these edits are moved through the publishing process at a faster pace.