April Michelle Davis excitedly announces the development of Grammar 101. April Michelle listened to her participants. The one comment that she kept hearing from them was that grammar can make or break the manuscript, which is the heart of April Michelle’s new course. So to keep true to her values and to provide the participants with […]
April Michelle Davis held a book signing for her recently published book A Princess in Disguise at McKay Used Books in Manassas, Virginia, on December 10, 2016, April Michelle wrote this book as a fairy tale about a princess, but she did not write it in the typical style with a helpless princess who needs a prince […]
April Michelle Davis featured her recently published chapter book A Princess in Disguise at the Writers’ Round-up at the Goochland Branch Library on November 12, 2016. A Princess in Disguise is about Princess Margaret who is turning sixteen. On the night before her birthday and before her father has the chance to force her to marry a […]
April Michelle Davis taught her new workshop Marketing 101 November 9-30. April Michelle is the NAIWE Social Media expert, and she has broaden this topic to include the fundamentals and theory of marketing your business. During this workshop, April Michelle assisted each participant with setting their business goals and suggested ways to obtain them through marketing. April Michelle also talked about the importance […]
Learn from an expert in the industry, April Michelle Davis, the best practices of putting macros to work for you. April Michelle will work with you to design macros specifically to your specifications. April Michelle taught Macros 101 through the Editorial Freelancers Association October 5 to November 30, 2016. In this course, April Michelle directed the participants as they […]