ValueMatch™ Selling for Home Builders: How to Sell What Matters Most
Typos can keep editors up at night because they know that just one too many missed typos and their reputation becomes tarnished. In the July 2017 edition of the Christian Editor Network’s Network News, April Michelle Davis talks about the ramifications of typos, understanding typos, and how to catch them. Excerpt: “Sometimes, despite an editor’s […]
A Princess in Disguise and April Michelle Davis were center stage at Book People, a good old-fashion bookstore where the smell of books, new and old, add to the casual atmosphere that greeted them and others on July 1, 2017. What is A Princess in Disguise? It is April Michelle’s young adult book written as a fairy tale about a princess, but it […]
April Michelle Davis taught her self-designed course, Indexing 101, via Google groups July 10 through August 14, 2017 for the Pen Institute. April Michelle took the mystery out of indexing and instead showed it the respect and importance it deserved. In this course, April Michelle started from scratch and moved toward writing and organizing the […]
Substantive Edited & Copyedited
A Princess in Disguise is a delightfully written book by April Michelle Davis with references to young adult development. April Michelle’s book was reviewed by The Old Schoolhouse in June 2017. Excerpt: “A Princess in Disguise is the tale of a young princess who must discover her identity and is compelled to unravel the mysteries surrounding her […]
April Michelle Davis and her book, A Princess in Disguise, were featured on June 14, 2017, on Diane Burton’s blog Meet the Author Thursday. Excerpt: “How long does it take you to write A Princess in Disguise? “I began thinking about this storyline before there was even a story to write. I grew up with both […]
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