Adult Learning Basics
Adult Learning Basics – Indexed
Adult Learning Basics – Indexed
April Michelle Davis wrote her book A Princess in Disguise because of her fascination with princesses. She wrote this fiction book using descriptions of many 1700 and 1800 places and things. In August 2017, Geri Walton asked April Michelle to guest blog on the boats of this era because Princess Margaret and Huntley, the main female and […]
Hooked On Minnesota – Proofread
April Michelle Davis’s young adult book A Princess in Disguise was reviewed by Kathleen Lance of One Stop Fiction. And this review led to A Princess in Disguise receiving an award: The One Stop Fiction Book Award! Lance’s interpretations were very similar to April Michelle’s, just expressed in different words, such as how Lance described […]
Attitudes at Every Altitude – Proofread
April Michelle Davis was selected as the local author from the northern Virginia area to have a portion of her young adult book A Princess in Disguise read to an audience of elementary school age children and their parents. The event, Reading ROCKS the Red Carpet, hosted by the faculty of Marshall Elementary School, was held at the […]
Proofread and Indexed
A Princess in Disguise by April Michelle Davis was Tina Glasneck’s Book of the Day on September 15, 2017. April Michelle wrote about a princess because since she was fascinated with them, and in middle school she began to write A Princess in Disguise. To fast forward to today, April Michele is thrilled to share her book […]
April Michelle Davis and A Princess in Disguise were highlighted for NEA’s Read Across America in The Bridge, Messiah College Alumni Magazine. “April Michelle is a ’01 English graduate who relies on the education she received at Messiah College in her profession as an author when writing her recently published young adult book A Princess in Disguise.”
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