Editorial Inspirations Blog
From the first word to well beyond the end.
The Communication Central conference in October 2012 was a two-day event that attracted attendees from all over the United States and even went global with a few international attendees. April Michelle Davis, owner of Editorial Inspirations, was a speaker at the Communication Central conference; April Michelle was among the top names in the industry such […]
The Mother’s Day book fair held at the Regency Square Mall in Richmond, Virginia, on May 11 was a celebration gathering of local authors together with industry expert April Michelle Davis; the excitement around the love and enjoyment of writing produced an ambiance that was expressed through the enlightening exchanges between April Michelle, authors, and guests. […]
April Michelle Davis led her workshop “Working with an Editor: The Editing Process” at the Hanover Book Festival on August 10, 2013, in Mechanicsville, Virginia. The workshop highlighted the editorial process, how to select an editor, and what can be expected from working with an experienced editor. April Michelle designed the workshop with authors in […]
April Michelle Davis is quoted in Ease in Writing: Practical, Creative Ways to Enjoy Your Writing at Work by Paula Tarnapol Whitacre. In this ebook, April Michelle reveals her technique for estimating the time and cost of each editing project. While most freelancers use a formula, April Michelle uses an algorithm built into an Excel spreadsheet […]
April Michelle Davis was interviewed and quoted in the book When Talent Isn’t Enough: Business Basics for the Creatively Inclined: For Creative Professionals, Including . . . Artists, Writers, Designers, Bloggers . . . to Freelance or Run Their Own Business. The author, Kristen Fischer, recognized April Michelle as a prime example of a freelancer who is building […]
April Michelle Davis catered an online course, Indexing Basics, offered through the Editorial Freelancers Association, from February 21 to March 21, to eighteen individuals interested in learning more about indexing and in refreshing their indexing skills. The coursework covered the fundamentals and theory of indexing. As a bonus and to reinforce participant understanding of the […]
Social Media Marketing Expert April Michelle Davis took part in a Facebook discussion in January on the importance of branding. As a follow up to this discussion, Karen S. Elliot wrote an article about it for the Word Shark and quoted April Michelle on February 3 in a blog entry titled “What Is Branding?” Branding […]
In case you are a visual person, here are the notes from NAIWE’s The Freelance Life, from January 30, when April Michelle Davis of Editorial Inspirations was the guest speaker. What is your business? Editorial Inspirations provides independent editing, indexing, and proofreading for projects from newsletters and publications to manuscripts, both fiction and nonfiction. Through […]
April Michelle was recently a guest on the National Association for Independent Writers and Editors’ The Freelance Life for a book chat where she spoke about her new book, A Guide for the Freelance Indexer. April Michelle’s book reads like an instruction guide to indexing. Do not be misled, it is not just for indexers, but for writers […]
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