Pricing Optimization: Striking the Right Balance for Margin Advantage

Pricing Optimization – Copyedited
Forward-thinking wholesaler-distributors who strive for above-average returns in the “New Normal” by leveraging pricing optimization best practices that are rooted in sound analytics must read Pricing Optimization: Striking the Right Balance for Margin Advantage!
The time has come for distributors to address their concerns about shrinking margins by upping their game on pricing decisions. If distributors keep doing more with less, they’ll soon find themselves doing everything with nothing! The issue of margin erosion will never end if distributors do not get creative—first with their pricing methods, and second with their value proposition. Issues involving pricing methods are more critical to profitability and so should be tackled right away.
April Michelle Davis spent two weeks proofreading this manuscript and ensuring there were no egregious errors in the manuscript.