The Right-Wing Threat to Democracy

The Right-Wing Threat to Democracy – Copyedited
For over thirty years, World War II veteran and author Burt Hall assessed accountability in government and national security. Now, this seasoned, professional analyst delivers a tough account of what went wrong in our politics and system of government over the past two decades and what we can do about it.
The right wing (not to be confused with Conservatism) has hijacked the Republican Party and wreaked havoc on our nation. It exploited basic flaws in our system to gain power and a series of major setbacks and a weakened democracy have followed.
The Right-Wing Threat to Democracy lays out clearly what the basic flaws in our system are and how they can be fixed. The danger is that an ongoing shift of political power to the very wealthy and suppression of voting rights is silencing the voice of the average citizen.
If elected officials do not fix the basic flaws, the American people have alternatives in our democracy and must take matters into their own hands.
April Michelle Davis copyedited this manuscript, preparing it for publication for the author. The manuscript was reviewed at the clause level, checking thematic organization at paragraph and sentence levels and checking for consistencies, errors, and omissions.