The Global Obama – Copyedited
The Global Obama
examines the president’s image in five continents and more than twenty countries. It is the first book to look at Barack Obama’s presidency and analyze how Obama and America are viewed by publics, governments, and political commentators around world. The author scaled the globe to gather opinions – cultural, historical, and political analyses – about Obama’s leadership style. Writers, journalists, psychologists, consultants, and social scientists present their views on Obama’s leadership, popularity, and many of the global challenges that still remain unresolved. As a progress report, this is the first book that tries to grasp ‘the Obama phenomenon’ in totality, as perceived by populations around the world with special focus on America’s leadership in the 21st Century.
April Michelle Davis spent a month copyediting this manuscript. She reviewed the manuscript at the clause level, checking thematic organization at paragraph and sentence levels and checked for consistencies, errors, and omissions. April Michelle includes checks of basic spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and word usage in every copyedit she performs as a courtesy to the author.