A verb is a part of speech denoting action, occurrence, or existence; it functions as the predicate of a sentence or as part of the predicate. Example: Martin swims. Subject: Martin Predicate: swims Example: Martin swims almost every day of the week. Subject: Martin Predicate: swims almost every day […]
A pronoun allows the writer to make a reference to something without using the name each time. Pronouns replace one or more nouns in a sentence. For example, instead of using the nouns Amy, bookcase, apples, or my friends and I, you could use the pronouns she, it, they, and we. Using one word too […]
A sentence fragment is a group of words beginning with a capital letter and ending with a period but missing at least one of the following elements: a subject, a verb, or a complete thought. Though a sentence fragment is written as a sentence, it is only part of one. One way to check for […]