Editorial Inspirations Blog
From the first word to well beyond the end.
The Hanover Book Expo is a place where book lovers come alive. The Hanover Book Expo, which took place in November 2024, featured three word experts, including April Michelle Davis, along with many local authors! Whether you write books, read books, or do both, it was a great time, including for children who enjoyed […]
EZRA (Easy Relationship Application) is a program that my IT staff developed at my direction to meet the needs of small businesses, to exceed the expectations of freelancers, to house all of the business information in one place, and to be reliable. EZRA holds information about clients, expenses (with the IRS categories), car mileage, project […]
April Michelle Davis brought her young adult book, A Princess in Disguise, to life at the Manakin Farmers Market on June 4, 2022. In the midst of the beauty of the outdoors, she read passages from her book and injected tones in her voice to bring out the characters. April Michelle suggested to her listeners […]
Sometimes, despite an editor’s best efforts, a mistake is printed. A few people may think, “Oh well, editors are human, after all.” But for most, typos have a lasting effect. At a minimum, a typo can smudge the reputation of the publisher or website where it was published. Readers often will not trust the credibility […]
April Michelle Davis was invited to be the guest author at the Goochland Farmers Market on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. April Michelle’s table was adorned in royal colors with her young adult book, A Princess In Disguise, in paperback and hardback as the main attractions catching the attendees’ eyes and wooing them over. April Michelle […]
The 2021 Be a Better Freelancer conference was three days of sessions orchestrated by April Michelle Davis, executive director of the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors, and Ruth Thaler-Carter, founder of Communication Central. A lineup of your fellow industry speakers, such as Laura Briggs, Nicole Evelina, and Jake Poinier, are representative of the […]
There are a variety of services that freelance professionals can offer. Sometimes, clients contacting these professionals do not know exactly what services their manuscripts really need. Therefore, freelance professionals need to be knowledgeable in services, including those they do not offer, so they can educate and direct the client to the appropriate professional. In Editing […]
Cold calling can be a great way to find new clients. Often, publishers respect the fact that you took the time to look them up and make contact. When cold calling, be sure to introduce yourself and give your area of expertise. Then simply ask if that publisher hires freelancers. If the answer is yes, […]
April Michelle Davis led her workshops “The Magic of Macros” and “The Business of Being a Business” at the Be a Better Freelancer virtual conference in October 2020. The COVID environment prevented the conference from being held in person, thereby the conference organizers decided to move the conference online and offer it free to all […]
April Michelle Davis was featured on the Write Editing by Andrea Merrell and Alycia Moraleson Monday, February 24, 2020. April Michelle is a professional editor as well as indexer and proofreader. Typos and mistakes in writings are inappropriate and unnecessary and stand out to her like a sore thumb. These types of errors are similar […]
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