Dr. Pfeiffer’s Guide To A Longer Healthier Life: Simple Lifestyle Changes To Set Your Life on The Path To Health And Wellness
A verb is a part of speech denoting action, occurrence, or existence; it functions as the predicate of a sentence or as part of the predicate. Example: Martin swims. Subject: Martin Predicate: swims Example: Martin swims almost every day of the week. Subject: Martin Predicate: swims almost every day […]
The Hanover Book Expo is a place where book lovers come alive. The Hanover Book Expo, which took place in November 2024, featured three word experts, including April Michelle Davis, along with many local authors! Whether you write books, read books, or do both, it was a great time, including for children who enjoyed […]
A pronoun allows the writer to make a reference to something without using the name each time. Pronouns replace one or more nouns in a sentence. For example, instead of using the nouns Amy, bookcase, apples, or my friends and I, you could use the pronouns she, it, they, and we. Using one word too […]
A sentence fragment is a group of words beginning with a capital letter and ending with a period but missing at least one of the following elements: a subject, a verb, or a complete thought. Though a sentence fragment is written as a sentence, it is only part of one. One way to check for […]
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