A Passion To Teach

A Passion to Teach – Copyedited
A Passion To Teach: Fifty-Eight Years of Humorous, Weird, and Engaging Tales is mostly a series of stories about the author’s desire to be a teacher, working his way through college with terrible jobs, and teaching for fourteen years in three different high schools before entering resident graduate school pursuing a Ph.D. in genetics. The graduate school episode took place with a wife and five young children and required unbelievable financial craftiness. Much of the book also deals with teaching at the college level following the doctorate degree in genetics, along with chairing a biology department, conducting research, and engaging in scientific communication. Most of the stories are about humorous events; however, a few others are more serious situations. The last three chapters offer personal opinions, viewpoints, and biases regarding pedagogy along with more of the ever presence of fun events and the throes of teaching.
April Michelle Davis copyedited this manuscript. She reviewed the manuscript at the clause level, checking thematic organization at paragraph and sentence levels and checking for consistencies, errors, and omissions. To take her copyedits to the next level and as a professional copyeditor possessing a true understanding of the publishing process, April Michelle also performed basic spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and word usage checks to produce a polished publisher-ready manuscript. April Michelle extends this courtsey to her clients with each copyedit.