Professional Services

In addition to providing the below individual professional services, April Michelle Davis has an in-depth understanding of more than one area of the publishing and editing process. As a result, working with April Michelle for one service ultimately integrates the knowledge and experience that April Michelle has acquired about all of the services.

The manuscript will be reviewed at the clause level, checking thematic organization at paragraph and sentence levels and checking for consistencies, errors, and omissions. Included is basic spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and word usage. Fact checking can be performed upon request.

Fee: $30–$40 per hour.
Estimates provided based on length.

This examines the entire manuscript, searching for consistency or for ways to sharpen setting, imagery, symbolism, foreshadowing, characterization, and plot. April Michelle, a trained editor, will review the manuscript and supply the author with notes for the author to examine and use to fully develop the manuscript.

Fee: $4 per manuscript page. (A manuscript page is 250 words.)

Estimates provided based on length.

Developmental Editing
This examines the entire manuscript, searching for consistency or for ways to sharpen setting, imagery, symbolism, foreshadowing, characterization, and plot. April Michelle, a trained editor, will review the manuscript and work with the author to fully develop the manuscript. Writing, rewriting, and research are completed when necessary, but the primary objective is to help the author review the work and develop a series of goals and tasks to help the author improve the work.

Fee: $40–$50 per hour.
Estimates provided based on length.

While computers and software programs can write a concordance, only trained individuals can write an index. April Michelle, a trained indexer, will read the page proofs of the publication and write an alphabetical list of references based on the terms and concepts explored in the text. April Michelle will select, group, and consolidate page references under main headings and subheadings, and write cross-references to guide the readers to specific information.

Fee: $3–$6 per indexable page.
Estimates provided based on length.

This is usually performed on a manuscript that has already been through developmental or copyediting and has already been laid out by a designer into page proofs. It provides a last review of egregious errors, such as basic grammar, punctuation, spelling, and inconsistencies, and any other errors that were inserted during the design process.

Fee: $20–$30 per hour.
Estimates provided based on length.